Elizabeth Ross
„Identidad y Agua“
Elizabeth Ross, Künstlerin und Kuratorin des alle zwei Jahre stattfindenden KünstlerInnensymposions in der Stadt Morelia, NW von Mexiko-City ist zur Zeit Artist in Residence in Krems. Sie wird Ihr Kunst im öffentlichen Raum-Projekt „Identität und Wasser“, an dem im letzten Jahr KünstlerInnen aus Mexiko, Amerika, Großbritannien, Spanien und Österreich geladen waren, im Kunstverein Baden vorstellen. Die geladenen Künstlerinnen aus Österreich (Claudia Maria Luenig und Petra Buchegger) werden ebenso über ihre künstlerischen Beiträge und Erfahrungen berichten.
Elizabeth Ross
„Identidad y Agua“
“The hills are dry, the city contains so much history people just seem to care about heritage. I care about heritage, memory, present and future. I am an artist and a woman, and those things here in central México are like a burden for some, but a joy and hard work - for me.
l am thirsty. After showing my work in all the formal places, the museums and the small commercial gallery, l reached the streets of Morelia. But l was an island. I therefore need sea. The ocean of living Art. Companions to share with visions and efforts, joys and concepts. Worries and commitment.
But once again, l knew l had to create the environment l need, the ocean to navigate, the artistic actions which could bring together new, different perceptions transmuted into Artwork. An exhibition is good, but is not enough. The Museums are good, but not enough. Their publics are wonderful, but the people is in the streets, the neighborhoods, the markets…and they need Art too. This is how i d e n t i d a d e s was born. The multiple selves of the artists getting together to do what we all love to do, and share it directly with the common people. Maybe we are like rain.
The second I d e n t i d a d e s Encounter was addressed to the theme Water. The project has been designed for artists living in small and medium cities all around the globe, to have a creative exchange and interaction with different environments and a diversity of artistic approaches to life.“ …
Elizabeth Ross
link: www.identidadesgea.org